Marriage & Family

Your marriage speaks loudly to others, whether you know it or not! 

What do you say to others about your marriage and your spouse? What picture are you painting with your words and actions? Your words and actions have an influence on the lives of all those you come in contact with – either positively or negatively.

What does your marriage say to your children about marriage? Do you model the husband or wife you hope to see your child marry? Or will they grow up to believe a poor marriage and a harsh spouse is all that awaits them if they choose marriage?What does your marriage say about God? Marriage was created by God. Does your marriage depict a merciful, grace giving, forgiving, faithful God that loves His children dearly? Or does your marriage send a message to others that God is harsh, unrelenting, always seeking to find fault, unforgiving, and binding His sons and daughters in chains to a miserable life with each other? Does your marriage tell the truth about Christ’s love for His bride, or does it act a false witness?

While some couples may experience a “good” marriage, it is only possible to live a “great” marriage when done God’s way – as He designed it. Like most things in life, a person must study, learn and practice in order to mature, grow, and develop. We find that those with “great” marriages are those that continue to invest throughout their married life. If your marriage is barely holding on, we hope you will have the courage to seek help quickly. If your marriage is solid, we hope you will continue to invest in it and consider getting involved to help others. If your marriage does not glorify God, we hope you will plug into our marriage ministry.

Strengthening Your Marriage

This incredible eight-session marriage enrichment class will utilize the ‘Strengthening Your Marriage” study resource developed by Wayne Mack. Topics covered will include:

  1. God’s Purpose for Marriage

  2. The Wife’s Responsibilities

  3. The Husband’s Responsibilities

  4. Good Communication

  5. Financial Agreement

  6. Sexual Unity

  7. Raising Children

  8. Family Religion

When: TBD

Who’s Invited: .Anyone seeking to enrich their marriage

Additional Resources